Love Slave for Two Page 20
Nevvie had given silent thanks to Peggy for telling her the story years earlier, about how Emily and Katie had lost theirs for a week after a sisterly squabble got out of hand.
The door almost immediately unlocked. Steam poured out as Zoey opened the door. She stood there, wrapped in a towel, her hair half done and her brown eyes narrowed in anger. “Mom, it’s my turn in here first! She always hogs the bathroom.”
Willow pushed in. “I have to get my shower, creep!”
“Willow, language,” Nevvie warned.
Tom, looking barely awake and his hair mussed, emerged from their bedroom at the end of the hall. “What the heck’s going on out here?”
Nevvie turned. “Now y’all are gonna get it. You woke up Poppa.”
Downstairs from the kitchen, Adam yelled, “I’m not taking them to school if they miss the bus. They made me and Mikey late last time. They’re on their own.”
“Why’d we pay extra to get the intercom system installed?” Nevvie asked Tom. “We never use it.”
Tom shrugged. “Teenagers.” He stuck his head in the door. “You both have twenty minutes to be downstairs and ready to go, or I’m coming up here and dragging you out to the bus stop even if you aren’t completely dressed yet. Got it?”
Both girls’ eyes widened. They knew he meant it. “Yes, sir,” they said.
“Good.” He pulled their bathroom door closed and kissed Nevvie. “Good morning, baby girl.”
She handed him her coffee cup. He took a sip. “Good morning, Poppa. How’s Ty?”
They headed downstairs to the kitchen. “Still asleep. Although with all this noise, I don’t see how.” Tyler had returned, exhausted, late the night before from a six-city book promo tour.
Mikey and Adam were finishing up their cereal in the kitchen. Nevvie made Tom a cup of coffee and traded him the fresh one for hers. She refilled hers and stopped Adam mid-stride.
“Where are you going?”
“Mom, I’ve got to finish getting ready or we’re gonna be late for school.”
“I rinsed them.”
“I’m not your maid. I want them in the dishwasher, not the sink.”
Behind his back and scrambling to finish his, Mikey stuck his tongue out at his big brother. She pointed a finger at him. “You, eat. Now. Or you’ll have to take the bus.”
“Aw!” But he started eating faster.
Once both boys were out of the kitchen, Tom grabbed Nevvie and pulled her to him. “You’re a slave driver, baby girl.” He playfully kissed her. Despite a little more gray in his hair and a few more lines around his eyes, he still looked like the handsome man she fell in love with so many years earlier when she was just their cleaning girl and Thursdays were always her little slice of heaven.
“You should know, Master,” she softly said.
She felt his cock grow hard against her in his pajama bottoms. “Goddamn, girl,” he whispered. “You trying to get me to fuck you right here on the table?”
She kissed him as she ground her hips against his. Then, in his ear, she whispered, “It wouldn’t be the first time, Master. And after the kids are gone I’m all yours.”
She pulled away from him with more than a little dampness pooling between her legs. At least with Tyler working at home and Tom retired, the three of them had plenty of time to play around during the day while the kids were at school.
Everyone else knew to call before coming over, and if they didn’t answer, it probably meant it wasn’t safe.
A half hour later, the girls were out at the bus stop, the boys were gone in Adam’s truck, and Tommy had Nevvie bent over the kitchen table with her pajama bottoms down around her ankles and his cock buried in her pussy.
“You gonna come for me, baby?”
Her fingers clenched into fists. “I want to.”
He reached around her with one hand and found her clit. “You’d better, or I’ll have you on your knees sucking my cock all day.”
Nevvie had always heard that, after kids, and as men aged, sex disappeared.
That didn’t seem to be the case with her men. If anything, now that their kids were almost grown, they were chasing her like crazy. It didn’t hurt that both men had voluntarily gotten vasectomies after the twins were born, so they could literally spend all afternoon with their cocks buried inside of her without worries of her getting pregnant again.
Four kids were more than enough. Not that she didn’t love her kids, because she did. But she didn’t want any more.
And it was fun having Tom and Tyler chasing her around.
Speaking of the Devil, Tyler chose that moment to walk into the kitchen. The sleepy look on his face disappeared almost immediately, replaced by a pleased smile. Nevvie didn’t miss how his boxers tented at the sight of Tom plowing her pussy on their kitchen table.
“What have we here?” Tyler asked. “Did you start without me?”
“I was horny,” Tom grunted as he plunged even deeper inside her. “And she teased me. You want to join in, feel free.”
“Hmm. I wanted coffee, but this is just as good to wake me up.”
Tyler stepped around the table while Tom pulled her up and swung her around. Tyler dragged a chair over and pushed his boxers down before sitting. Then he cupped his hands around her cheeks and pulled her lips onto his cock.
She willingly opened and swallowed him, grabbing the chair for support.
“Oh, yes, love. That’s it. You’re our sweet little fuck toy, aren’t you?”
She felt her pussy clench around Tom’s cock. She loved it when they talked dirty like that. She tasted Tyler’s sweetly tangy pre-cum rolling down her tongue. When he woke up horny, he really woke up horny.
The men thrust back and forth, every stroke of Tom’s cock in her pussy shoving her onto Tyler’s cock. Tyler kept his fingers embedded in her hair, refusing to relinquish her mouth on his cock. Nevvie moaned, enjoying letting go to her men, feeling like their beloved fuck toy and loving every second of it.
Tom smacked her ass before he reached around her and found her clit with his fingers again. “You want to come for us, don’t you, baby girl?”
“Mmhmm!” she moaned around Tyler’s cock.
“That’s our very good girl,” Tyler said. “You let us do all the work, and you stand there and be fucked like a good little slave.”
Between Tom’s finger on her clit and Tyler’s passion-thick voice, it drove her over the edge. She moaned around Tyler’s cock as she felt her cunt muscles grabbing Tom’s rigid shaft fucking her.
“That’s our good girl!” Tyler praised as his fingers dug into her scalp. She felt his cock harden even more, throbbing in her mouth before hot jets of his cum flooded her tongue. She swallowed fast, trying to keep up with him even as Tom let loose and started fucking her so hard he drove her head into Tyler’s stomach with every stroke.
“That’s…our…good…girl!” Tom said before he buried his cock deep inside her one last time.
She would have collapsed to the kitchen floor in a satiated puddle if Tom hadn’t kept a firm grip on her hips.
Eventually, Tyler relaxed his grip on her head. Tom hooked an arm around her waist and helped her stand up.
“Better, baby girl?” Tom asked.
“Uh-huh,” she said. Actually, she was ready to crawl back into bed with them and go to sleep.
Tom kissed her. “Why don’t you and I catch a few extra winks while Evil Genius goes about his day?”
She thought about the errands she needed to do. Dry cleaning, groceries…
Oh, fuck it. “Okay,” she said.
Tyler kissed both of them. “I’ll see you later.”
They returned to their bedroom, finished stripping, and crawled into their king-sized bed. Tom wrapped his arms around her as they spooned together. “Love you, baby girl.”
She snuggled tightly against him. “Love you, too…Master.”
* * * *
p; They finally got up a little after ten. Tyler was holed up in his office. Nevvie made a fresh pot of coffee for them before they jumped into the shower. Tyler had his routine, and they left him alone. Since he technically was the sole breadwinner now, they didn’t begrudge his unusual work hours. When he had the need to write, he shut his office door and wrote. Even the kids had finally understood that Daddy needed his alone time or he got very cranky.
Nevvie checked over her shopping list. “Want to go with me?” she asked.
“Why don’t you just ask me if I want a root canal?” Tom joked.
“Sorry, Mr. Antisocial.”
“I’ll go, but you have to mow today.”
“Blech. Sorry I said anything.”
“I thought you’d feel that way.” He had to mow their property as well as next door.
She finished her preparations and grabbed her purse and keys. Next stop, next door.
She knocked before opening the front door. “Dad? It’s me. Do you want to go shopping?”
“I’m in the kitchen, love.”
She walked into the kitchen and found him working on…something. She hugged him from behind and kissed the back of his neck. “How you doing, Dad?”
“Oh, experimenting.” He was assembling a casserole. They ate dinner on Wednesday nights with him, as did a bunch of the family. It had become a tradition no one wanted to part with. The attendance roster fluctuated, but Nevvie and her brood always came, as did Kelly and John, and Clay and his wife, Jennifer. Danny and Elle and their spouses, and Laurie, usually made it several times a month.
For the past eight months, it was rare anyone missed Wednesday dinner.
“What are you experimenting with this time, Grandpa Frankenstein?”
She almost got a smile out of him. “I hope the twins like it. It’s sort of like beef stroganoff, but not really.”
“If you make it, I’m sure they’ll like it.” Nevvie’s twins adored their Grandpa Andy.
“So you say. They are rather fickle as of late.”
“It doesn’t matter.” She leaned against the counter. “Want me to get you anything from the store?”
“I’m fine, love. Truly. Karen said she’s going to stop by the store on her way home tonight.” Bill and Karen had moved in, at Andrew’s insistence, four months earlier. With their adopted daughter, Chloe, not quite three, and Bill struggling to find a new job after his old employer closed, Andrew refused to take no for an answer. He loved babysitting, which saved Karen and Bill both stress and money.
And everyone agreed Peggy would have done the same thing.
It also meant the rest of the family wouldn’t worry about Andrew being alone in the house.
Chloe let out a cry that blasted through the baby monitor on the counter next to the sink.
“Ah, the princess awakes from her morning nap.”
“I’ll get her, Dad.”
“Thanks, love.”
Nevvie walked down the hall to Chloe’s room. Nevvie found the little girl, who was small for her age, sitting up in her crib. As soon as she spotted Nevvie, her tears ceased and she reached for her.
Nevvie smiled and picked her up. She had a few developmental delays as a result of her teenaged birth mother’s drug use, but she was a beautiful child with a sparkling personality. Her curly brown hair hung down to her shoulders, and her light blue eyes were always crinkled in a smile. “How’s the princess?”
Chloe grinned and bounced in Nevvie’s arms. “Gampa!”
“Grandpa is working on dinner. Let’s get you changed. You want to go shopping with me?”
She bounced in Nevvie’s arms again. “Car!”
“Girls’ day out.” Nevvie got her changed, packed her diaper bag, and carried her into the kitchen.
“Ah, there’s my princess.”
Chloe bussed him in the cheek. “Car!”
“I asked her if she wanted to go shopping with me,” Nevvie said. “I hope that’s okay.”
“Absolutely, love. Thank you.”
Nevvie had ulterior motives. She didn’t want any more kids of her own, but she loved spoiling Chloe rotten. And Karen and Bill weren’t exactly in a good position monetarily. They wouldn’t resent her buying her niece some things.
“Tommy’s going to mow today,” Nevvie said. “I’d better not catch you out there in that heat.”
“I know, love. I’ll behave. I promise.”
“Good.” She kissed him good-bye. “Call me if you think of anything you need.”
Nevvie carried the happily squealing toddler out to her car. She kept a baby seat and stroller in her car for Chloe because she usually ended up taking the toddler, with or without Andrew, on errands or to Chloe’s doctor or physical therapy appointments two or three days a week. Since Andrew’s minor heart attack two years earlier, Nevvie often worried about him stressing himself despite him waving off her concerns.
Nevvie started off at the mall, where she bought Chloe some clothes and new shoes before feeding her lunch. Then on to her other errands, with groceries last. When she returned to Andrew’s around two that afternoon, Chloe was already dozing in the car seat.
He walked out to meet Nevvie and took the sleeping toddler from her. “Ah, the princess needs her afternoon beauty nap.”
Nevvie handed over the diaper bag. “Want me to help?”
“No, it’s all right, love. I’ve got her.” He leaned in for a kiss. “Thank you for taking her today. I was able to get quite a lot done.”
“Anytime, Dad. You don’t even have to ask.” She noticed Tom had mowed his yard. “Same time tonight for dinner?”
“Oh, let me bring in her spoils of shopping,” Nevvie said.
He laughed as he surveyed the bags. “Looks like the princess has an entire new wardrobe.”
Nevvie shrugged. “Hey, I can’t help pampering her. She is the princess, after all.”
She returned home and got her groceries put away. She found Tom floating in the pool, naked. “You done for the day?” she asked.
He stood up and pushed his wet hair back from his face. “Yep. Just finished a little bit ago.”
She walked over to the edge of the pool and knelt down. “I like the nature boy look.”
“You do, huh?”
He kissed her, pushing her shirt up. “Then why don’t you join me for a little skinny-dipping, lady.”
She didn’t miss how his cock had started inflating.
“You’re just totally horny today, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, well, didn’t help that Ty’s been walking around nekkid all day, teasing me something fierce.”
She snickered. “Oh, really?”
“Yeah. You know what he’s like when he gets back from one of those book junkets when one of us doesn’t go with him. It’s like fighting off a horny honey badger.”
She grinned. “So how many times has he nailed you today?”
He laughed. “He bent me over the kitchen table and fucked me before sending me out with an assful of cum to do the mowing.”
“Aww, poor baby. He didn’t give you any relief?”
“No.” His hands pushed up her bra and he fondled her nipples. “He’s mean, I tell you. Just plain mean.”
She pulled off her shirt and bra. “Mean, huh?”
“Yeah.” He bent his mouth to her right breast. She softly moaned as he laved his tongue over her nipple, flicking it before gently nipping it with his teeth. He cupped her left breast in his hand and slowly rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
She ran her fingers through his wet hair, holding him tightly against her and enjoying the sensation of him sucking at her breast. He switched off, drawing moans of need from her as he repeated his actions. She was about to suggest he let go of her so she could shuck her shorts and underwear when Tyler cleared his throat behind her, startling her.
Nevvie looked up into his smiling face…and h
is hard cock. He stood there, hands on his hips, a mock scowl on his face, and his cock waving around her head. “What do you think you’re doing, young lady?”
She stifled her snort. “Being molested by the yard guy?” she innocently replied.
Tommy laughed, but didn’t relinquish her nipple.
Tyler fisted his hand in her hair and stepped closer. “I think you know what to do with that delicious mouth of yours, my sweet little slave.”
Her lips immediately parted as heat coiled in her pussy. For sure she’d have a wet spot in her panties. Tyler took charge, thrusting, fucking her mouth as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the things Tom was doing to her as well. She loved it when they took control like this. She’d begun sinking into a blissfully sexy haze when Tyler yanked his cock out of her mouth.
“Up, love. You’re wearing far too many clothes.”
Tom let go of her breasts, making her whine. He started working on her shorts, unbuttoning them.
Tyler hauled her to her feet while Tom pulled her shorts and underwear down to her ankles.
Then Tyler scooped her up and, before she could react, dumped her into the pool.
She let out a shriek and bounced to the surface. “What the fuck was that for?”
Tom laughed his ass off. “Wow, Ty. Hope you get a head start on her.”
“Never fear, my sweet boy. Grab our wet pet by the hair and bring her over here.”
Nevvie wasn’t fast enough to avoid her horny husband. Tom got her by the hair, melting any aggravation she had, and led her back to the side of the pool. Tyler had grabbed a beach towel and spread it on the edge of the pool, where he sat on it.
“Right here, love,” he instructed Tom. When Tom got her close enough, Tyler grabbed her by the hair and took her from him. “Right. Back to what you were doing, pet. Thomas, have at her. You’ve worked hard today and earned the right to fuck our pet.”
Nevvie opened her mouth and moaned as she sucked down his cock. Tom used his feet to spread her legs. Then he speared her pussy with his cock before reaching around her and finding her clit with his fingers.