Love Slave for Two Page 21
All she could do was hold on to Tyler’s legs and let the men see-saw her in the water between them. She let go and closed her eyes as Tom fucked her while he fingered her clit, his cock bottoming out inside her.
“Yes, that’s it, my sweet little pet,” Tyler cooed. “Show us what a good little fuck toy you are for us.”
Her insides curled and clenched in a hot and pleasant way at his words, driving her over the edge of her first orgasm. She moaned around Tyler’s cock.
“And there she goes, Thomas.”
“Goddamn,” he grunted behind her. “Why the hell don’t we fuck in the pool more often?”
She whimpered around Tyler’s cock, helpless to resist, already rolling toward her next release.
“Because we’d be dead of sheer exhaustion,” Tyler patiently replied. “Or she’d grow weary of the attention and neuter us in our sleep. Suck my cock well, love. I have a reward waiting for you.”
She redoubled her efforts as Tom’s fingers sent her skyrocketing again.
Tyler stroked her head without releasing her hair. “That’s right, pet,” he cooed. “Moan around my cock.”
Behind her, Tom couldn’t hold out much longer. He grabbed both of her hips and started fucking her hard and fast, driving her deeper onto Tyler’s cock with each stroke.
Tyler cupped her head in his hands. “Here you go, love.” With that, his cock exploded, his juices filling her mouth and making her moan again.
Tom let out a groan and fell still as he dumped his load in her other end. They all sat there, recovering, when Tom swore.
“What?” Nevvie said.
“Move it. Kids’ll be home any minute.”
“Shit!” She crawled out of the pool, Tom on her heels, and Tyler not far behind. They made it up to the top of the stairs when they heard the twins’ school bus pull up on the road outside.
Laughing, the three of them ducked into their bedroom and shut the door behind them.
“That was too close for comfort,” Tyler said with a grin. “We’ll have to do a better job of watching the clock.”
* * * *
The kids all headed over to Andrew’s house as soon as their homework was done. Nevvie, Tyler, and Tom waited to leave until Nevvie’s broccoli casserole was out of the oven. Nevvie and Kelly always brought veggies, while Clay and Jennifer usually brought a dessert. They arrived to find Mikey and Adam taking turns giving Chloe horsey rides in the living room while the twins were setting the table in the dining room.
Karen, Bill, and Andrew were in the kitchen. Tom put the casserole dish on the counter. “Hello again, love,” Andrew said to Nevvie when she kissed him on the cheek.
Karen’s hands were submerged in the dish pan, but when Nevvie slung an arm around her shoulders to hug her, Karen whispered, “Thank you for the shopping trip,” in her ear.
Nevvie kissed her cheek. “Nothing’s too good for the princess,” she joked.
John and Kelly arrived a few minutes before Clay and Jennifer. Cheryl and April and their broods arrived, too. By the time they all sat down for dinner in the dining room, they’d added several extra chairs to fit everyone. Danny and Elle and their spouses, as well as Laurie and her boyfriend, had all made it for dinner.
It still felt empty without Peggy. Her unexpected stroke and death eight months earlier had been a shock the family hadn’t completely recovered from. As Nevvie studied Andrew’s face, she wondered if he would ever recover from it.
They should have had more than twelve years together.
When dinner ended, the kids all pitched in to help clean up, making the job go fast and allowing everyone time to sit and relax in the living room with Andrew and talk about their week. Nevvie and Karen went to the kitchen, where Karen once again hugged her.
“Thanks again,” Karen said. “We really appreciate it.”
“Hey, we’re family. We take care of each other.”
Karen nodded as she wiped at her face with her hands before leaning against the counter. “Bill picked up an interview today in town. Keep your fingers crossed.”
“That’s great. How’s Dad doing?”
She shrugged. “You know how he is. Stiff upper lip and all that crap. I’m making sure he’s taking his meds the way he’s supposed to, and taking his blood pressure every morning and night. He’s got an appointment next week, by the way.”
“He didn’t tell me. The sneak.”
“Yeah, I know. I saw the appointment card and nailed him on it.”
“I’ll take him.”
Nevvie was about to say something else when her phone rang in her pocket. She pulled it out and looked at the screen before answering. “Hey, Kyle. What’s up?”
“You guys at dinner?”
“Yeah, just finished. Why?”
He laughed. “Tell Mom and Dad and everyone Amy just went into labor. We’re heading for the hospital now!”
Nevvie let out a squee and told Karen. “I’ll pass the word! Keep us posted.”
“I will, Sis. Love you.”
“Love you, too, kiddo. We’ll see you soon.” She hung up and hugged Karen. I’m going to be an aunt again!”
She raced out to the living room to pass the word. Kelly and John, who had come to be a replacement mom and dad for Jacob and Kyle, grinned from ear to ear and gave each other a high five. “Told you,” Kelly said. “Didn’t I say it would be today?”
John rolled his eyes. “Yes, you did.”
She looked at Nevvie. “Road trip!”
Nevvie smiled. “Yes, Mom. Road trip. Tomorrow morning, we’ll head down.” Kyle and Jacob were now partners in Tom’s old business with Kenny. Both had graduated college with engineering degrees.
After they’d said their good-nights and headed home, Nevvie undressed and crawled into bed with her men.
“You realize,” Tom said, “those two girls are gonna try to eat us alive when you leave, don’t you?”
She snuggled close. “Just threaten to take away their doors. That’ll shut ’em up.”
Tyler laughed. “You’re vicious, pet. And I love you.”
“Love you, too, Evil Genius.” She kissed him, then Tom. “Love you, too.”
“Love you both,” Tom said.
Tom and Tyler laced fingers, resting their hands on Nevvie’s hips. As they all drifted to sleep, Nevvie thought about the next generation of their family in the process of being born down in Tampa.
Sometimes, she thought about that mousy, scared little cleaning girl who secretly dreamed about her two love gods and wished for a better life—and love. Then she always thanked the Universe for the rough path she’d walked early in her life. She wouldn’t change a thing. She had a life full of love and an ever-growing family because of it.
But most of all, she had peace.
I’d never planned for Love Slave for Two to become a series. Originally, it was going to be a one-off book, with no planned sequels. And while I knew the characters’ backstories, I never planned to write a prequel, either. But one day, the story for Love Slave for Two: Family Matters popped into my head, and I thought hmm, that would work. It didn’t hurt that I was getting several e-mails every week from readers asking not if, but when, a sequel would be released.
Fortunately for me, the characters started “talking” to me again, and I wrote it. During that process, I got the ideas for books three and four. The prequel, however, started chattering to me the loudest at that point, because events in the prequel set up events in book three.
While I won’t say there are no more books to be written in this series, for now, the characters have gone silent on me.
Ironically, as I was writing this, we were dealing with TS Debby here in Florida. While it wasn’t a major wind event, it dumped record-breaking amounts of rain on our state, as well as pushed a lot of water onshore, causing storm surge flooding. The Tampa stations showed, a co
uple of weeks after I’d already written the scene, video of the Bayshore region of Tampa completely flooded.
It was a sobering reminder.
A lot of people like to joke about throwing hurricane parties, but as a lifelong resident of this state, I can attest to the horrific power of Mother Nature. Most people don’t realize that deaths in storms are due mostly to drowning, not the wind. People want to stay behind and watch the waves, or they don’t think it’ll be that bad, and before they know it, they’re trapped in rising waters and emergency officials can’t respond.
Or they do something stupid like drive through standing water and get washed off the road.
I know it’s a pain in the ass, but as a storm survivor myself (evacuated from Andrew and went through the No-Name of ’93, Hurricane Charley, and Hurricane Wilma) please heed the warnings of emergency officials when they ask you to get the heck out of town. Have your hurricane party at a hotel or a friend’s house somewhere safe. I guarantee you, the waves don’t look so neat when you’re climbing up into an attic with nowhere else to go. And many emergency shelters now accept animals, so you don’t have an excuse to not evacuate with your pets. Familiarize yourself now, before the storm, with where pet-friendly shelters are, or have plans to stay with friends or family in a safe zone.
Please, stay safe.
Tymber Dalton lives in southwest Florida with her husband (aka “The World’s Best Husband™”), son, and too many pets. She loves to hear from readers! Please feel free to drop by her website and sign up for her newsletter to keep abreast of the latest news, views, snarkage, and releases. (Don’t forget to look up her writing alter egos Lesli Richardson, Tessa Monroe, and Macy Largo!)
For all titles by Tymber Dalton, please visit
For titles by Tymber Dalton writing as
Lesli Richardson
Tessa Monroe
Macy Largo
Siren Publishing, Inc.