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Happy Spank-O-Ween Page 2
Happy Spank-O-Ween Read online
Page 2
Fen gasped. “Don’t you freaking dare! I will tell your mom and mine, and then you’ll be yelled at.”
Mads scowled. “That’s just rotten. I thought you loved me, bestie.”
“I do love you, and Milo. That’s why I want to throw you a freaking bridal shower and everything. Get off your shapely ass, darling, and start planning.”
For a woman who was so good at organizing large, complex events of over a thousand people, she was dragging her stunning heels over this, and he wasn’t sure why. It’d been her dream, to find a great guy who’d love her just the way she was and want to marry her.
Mission accomplished—Milo was crazy in love with her, the Dom of her dreams, and nearly punched out a nurse during Mads’ hospital stay when the woman had given Mads a hard time simply because Mads was trans.
If that wasn’t proven true love, Fen wasn’t sure what Mads was waiting on.
“I can’t focus on it right now,” she insisted, plopping down on the floor. “I’ve got finals coming up.” She scowled. “And I’m just…irritated.”
Now she had both his and June’s full attention.
“Irritated at who?” June asked, and Fen knew the dark threads in her tone followed his own thoughts.
Mads looked up at them, confusion washing over her features. “What? Oh, no! No, not irritated at Milo. Sorry. Just…” She sighed. “It reminds me of the resort. I keep thinking about all the stuff I was going to do there, all the plans I’d made for it. I’m still…irritated that they ousted me like that. And I miss it. I miss working there. I miss what I did.”
Fen sat next to her. “I thought you liked working where you are now?”
She worked for the same company Milo did, but in a different department, so there wasn’t a conflict. She wasn’t making as much money as she had working at the resort, but she had regular Monday-to-Friday, nine-to-five hours. No weekends, no holidays, no emergencies. Just calm, boring office work. But it was perfect, because she was taking night classes to get her MBA.
“I do. It’s…okay. It’s money, and benefits.”
“Ah,” Fen said. “You’re bored.”
“Sort of. Not with Milo,” she quickly added. “And not even with school. School’s been great. I just…miss the resort.”
“Did you think about talking to your old boss over here in Sarasota?” he asked. “I bet he’d take you back part-time. I remember he was practically in tears when you took that job in Miami.”
“Yeah, I know. But that was money I couldn’t turn down.” She thought about it some more. “I’d have to run it past Milo first.”
“I’d be willing to bet he’d be okay with it. If they have something open.”
“Maybe.” She stared up at the ceiling for a moment, blowing a stray hair out of her face. “I don’t know. I should just…adult and suck it up.”
“You could always go talk to them about having the wedding there and just happen to mention your current situation…”
He watched her face, the way she kind of tipped her head back and forth a little, thinking. He’d known her most of their lives, since they were little. Even though he’d grown up with her, he still had a hard time sometimes remembering her as Michael instead of Mads. Even back then, before her transition, she’d almost always been Mads to him. Fen had been the first one she told, before either of them even knew there was a name for what she felt. That she felt like a girl, that she wasn’t a boy no matter what her body might look like, and back then, Fen could see that, too.
Hell, anyone with functioning eyes, and without their head up their ass in denial, could see Maddison right there, pleading to be acknowledged and allowed to freely express herself.
And the funny thing was, anyone who didn’t know she was trans never even suspected. She’d been blessed with loving, open-minded parents who got her the help she’d needed early on. She’d transitioned over several years, until in high school, when they’d legally gotten her name and marker changed.
And she was happy.
Now, even happier for having met and gotten engaged to Milo, who, at a deliciously whopping six-five and nearly a foot taller than Mads, was more than Dom enough to stand up for and protect Fen’s bestie.
The Frightful Five still has a perfect track record, thank God.
June called an end to their break and they resumed the lesson.
Poor Ben. Once they started working on basic pole moves, it kicked his ass. By the time June finished with the lesson, Ben lay on the floor, groaning.
“Holy shit,” he said. “That fucking killed me. I thought Cross-fit was bad.”
Fen nudged him with a toe. “You gonna live?”
Ben flipped him a bird. “Why’d you have to look so sexy doing this? If you hadn’t, Sir wouldn’t be making me do this.”
Fen grinned. “Well, we all have our crosses to bear, buddy. Looking fabulous is mine, I suppose.”
Ben flipped him another bird while Mads giggled.
Chapter Three
Leah arrived home from grocery shopping to find Seth wasn’t home, and there was a pile of boxes neatly stacked in their front entryway from UPS.
Oh, greeeaaat.
She took a peek at the labels as she stepped around them to unlock the front door.
Yep, the inflatables store Seth had bookmarked on his desktop, phone browser, and probably had on speed-dial, now, too.
She got the door unlocked and disarmed the alarm so she could move the boxes inside the front door and get them out of her way for schlepping groceries inside. Tony had just sent out the Halloween party invite yesterday, and they already had over thirty RSVPs.
Meaning Seth was in full-on Halloween overdrive.
She paused in front of the large portrait hanging on the wall, of the three of them at Animal Kingdom, and she spoke out loud as she wagged her finger at it.
“This is all your fault, Master,” she playfully said. “You infected him with holiday fever.”
Then, feeling a little guilty, she walked over and kissed her finger, touching it to the glass over Kaden’s mouth. “Miss you,” she softly added before going to unload the groceries from her car.
By the time Seth returned home from his errands, Leah had the groceries unloaded and put away and had stripped, donning her cuffs and collar.
His eyes lit up when he saw the boxes inside the doorway. “Oh, they came already? Great!”
“Do I even want to ask?”
He leaned in and brushed a kiss across her lips. “Blow-ups!”
He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning.
“Used to be your eyes would light up like that to see me dressed like this,” she teased. “Guess the bloom is off that rose already.”
Seth stopped, reversed course, and backed up to give her a better hello kiss. “Sorry, baby. I need to pee.”
She snorted. “Okay, that was romantic.”
“I need to pee!” He headed for the hall bath. When he returned a moment later, he pulled her into his arms and laid a long, slow, sweet one on her, his tongue gently parting the seam of her lips and pretty much turning her insides into a gooey mess before he finally released her. “I want to get those open and test them!” He released her and headed for the entryway.
Shaking her head, she couldn’t help but smile.
Thanks, Kaden.
No, Leah didn’t begrudge Seth’s love of decorating for Halloween. Christmas had been Kaden’s passion, and to keep his memory alive, they still decorated like crazy for that one. But they always used Kaden’s last plans, the one for the last Christmas he’d been alive. Seth, who’d painstakingly documented everything about those last two Christmases, especially the last one, reverently replicated the layout exactly.
Leah didn’t bother asking him not to, to make it his own, even though she knew that’s what Kaden would want him to do—to own it, do his own thing.
She coped in her ways, and Seth coped in his.
But Halloween…now that was Seth’s love
No matter how much she playfully busted his balls over it, she would always help him decorate and never try to get him to tone it back.
She loved him, loved the enthusiasm he had for it.
It was good to see him smile. Felt good to smile along with him, which she damn well knew had been Kaden’s whole point.
She followed him over to the boxes, where he started opening them and examining the contents. They were now the proud owners of a six-foot skeleton, a four-foot raven, six six-foot zombies, an eight-foot Frankenstein’s monster…
And a giraffe.
She held it up and showed him. “I don’t get it.”
“I don’t, either.” He pulled his phone out and called up an e-mail, going through it. “That’s supposed to be an alien. They must have shipped the wrong thing.”
She studied it. It was three-feet tall and adorable, going by the description and picture on the box.
He called the company, and ten minutes later, they learned they were now the proud owners of a giraffe. The company told them to keep it, because it was a discontinued model anyway, and had Seth bought it, it would have cost him only ten dollars.
They’d be shipping their wayward alien that afternoon, free overnight air, to make up for the goof.
“Well, you could put him out at Christmas,” she suggested. “Use him in the background for filler.”
Seth took the box from her and studied it. “Hmm.”
“‘Hmm’? What’s ‘hmm’ mean?”
“I mean, I’m wondering if I can pervert him.”
“Say whut?”
He glanced at her and caught her dubious expression. “Sorry. I meant for Halloween. Not kinky perversion.”
“Let me think on it a while. Might be able to do something with him.”
“Feed him to the zombies?”
He snorted. “You know, that’s not a bad idea, sweetheart.”
* * * *
Seth did the testing in the backyard, meaning Leah could throw on one of Seth’s T-shirts, which covered her down past her ass, but she didn’t need to worry about taking off her cuffs and collar since no one could see into their backyard.
She sat in the grass in the shade of a tree to watch while he used an extension cord to test their new acquisitions, one-by-one.
They all worked.
Even the giraffe, which Leah dubbed Colin.
Seth laughed. “I know I’m going to regret this, but why Colin?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. He just kind of looks like a Colin to me.”
“Colin the zombie-chow giraffe.” He unplugged Colin so he could deflate. “You know, Tony told me Kel tentatively RSVP’d for him and Mal.”
“Really? That’s…that’s good, right?”
“I hope so.” He unzipped the giraffe’s base to deflate it faster. “It’d be good to see them start hanging around again.”
“Yeah.” Mal had hit a downward spiral, developing a serious eating disorder after her miscarriage, and losing so much weight Kel finally had to admit her in-patient to a specialized clinic in Tampa to try to get her the help she needed after less intensive methods had failed to permanently stabilize her condition.
“Have you heard anything else?” he asked her, and she knew what he meant.
“No, Chelbie’s been so busy flying back and forth to LA with Rich, and Cali hasn’t wanted to bother her.”
“Hmm. Okay.”
She helped him repack everything in the boxes and carry them out to the garage. “Are there any more inflatables or other decorations coming, besides the missing alien?” she asked.
“Maaaaaybe.” His playful smile made her chuckle.
“Thank goodness we can afford it.”
“Hey, I have beating you and yard decorations. There are worse and more expensive hobbies for a man to partake in.”
She snorted as his smile widened. “Keep telling yourself that, Sir.” She kissed him before heading inside, where she stripped the shirt off.
He followed her inside a little later, finding her in the kitchen, where she was preparing to make them dinner. Leftovers tonight, nothing fancy.
But when he slipped his arms around her from behind and pulled her body along his, she knew it was something different he wanted from the menu right now.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he murmured in her ear.
She ground her ass against his hips and felt his cock harden immediately inside his shorts. “Hello, Master.”
“Mmm-hmm.” One hand dipped between her legs, teasing her, his fingers circling her clit but not giving her any relief. The other cupped her right breast, teasing her nipple and making her rub against him even more.
She wasn’t sure if he was going to take her to the bedroom or not, until he answered the question by walking forward, pressing her with him, until he could bend her over the counter.
“Hands on the counter, baby.”
She complied, and he slipped a finger between her legs and inside her pussy. “Oooh, look at that.”
A soft sigh escaped her. She couldn’t resist him. Not that she wanted to. She’d known he’d probably be nailing her today, because they’d started the morning in bed with a maintenance spanking, as he’d dubbed them, bare-handed and over his lap. But he hadn’t let her go down on him, and hadn’t given her any relief, either, because he’d had errands to run and an appointment with Ed that he didn’t want to miss, to handle some paperwork.
Arching her spine gave him better access when he stepped to her side and smoothed his free hand down her back. “I think someone wants another spanking, baby. Is that right?”
She smiled at him over her shoulder. “I’ll never say no to a spanking from you, Master.”
That was the damn truth. Seth had found his own path with her, the way Kaden had hoped Seth would.
The way Kaden had hoped she would, too.
That, together, they’d find healing and hope and love and move on from that bleak time to forge something new and just as strong as what she’d had with Kaden.
He added a second finger to her pussy and slowly fucked them in and out of her wet heat. When his other hand landed a stinging blow on her ass cheek, she hissed with pleasure.
Every stroke with his hand glided along her clit, sensuously, teasing her.
Another blow on her ass, the other cheek, back and forth for several long minutes, slow smacks and slow fucking like that, until she was almost shaking with need.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he teased.
“Please, may I come, Master?”
“I don’t know. Someone was a little snarky with me earlier. You know you’re the most beautiful thing in my life.” He nibbled the top of her shoulder.
“Please, Master?”
“What’s it worth to you, baby?” He pulled the fingers from her pussy, making her whine with disappointment, which was quickly muffled around the sound of him making her suck them clean.
He pulled them from her mouth and gave them a suck himself as he stared into her eyes, before he leaned against the counter.
She didn’t need any order. She dropped to her knees in front of him and immediately fished his cock out of his shorts, both of them moaning when she took him into her mouth.
This was something she could literally do all day with him if the position was comfortable enough and they had the time. Going down on him, having her man needy and vulnerable for her.
Her sometimes big goofball of a Master, but she loved that about him. That he’d learned and played and tried to have as much fun as he could, and make life fun for her, too.
Life was too damned short not to have fun. That was a lesson she’d learned the hard way, unfortunately. Even before they’d lost Kaden.
Hell, long before she’d met him and Seth in the first place.
He let her suck his cock for about ten minutes before finally pulling her off him and taking her hand, leading her out of the kitchen and to the living room. He shucked his
shorts and sat on the couch, stripping his shirt off, too, and discarding it.
She climbed onto his lap, straddling him, barely letting him sit before she impaled herself on his cock so she could ride him.
“That’s it, baby,” he whispered. “Show me what you want.”
Draping her arms around his neck and kissing him was probably her second-favorite thing, with staring into his eyes a close third. As she rode him, one of his hands settled on her hip and the other played with her clit.
“I think my good girl should come for me,” he said.
She was coming for him almost before he finished saying it. Seth had mastered the art of playing her body, making her nerves sing whatever tune he wanted to hear, be it pain or pleasure, or even riding the razor’s edge between the two.
Seth watched her, read her body, let her cool off from that one for a moment before starting to work her up to a second orgasm. “I love you so much,” he said.
She smiled. “Love you, too, Master.”
He had fun edging her for a little while, but she could tell when he was getting too close to hold himself back. “Last one,” he told her, his free hand now cupping the back of her head, fingers threaded in her hair. “Come with me, baby.”
Riding him harder, she ground it out, finally gasping as pleasure washed over and through her.
“That’s it,” he gritted, catching up with her, his cock pulsing inside her as he came, pumping his cum into her.
She finally collapsed on him, letting him hold her, absorb her, keep her cherished and safe and feeling oh, so loved.
He nuzzled her forehead with his lips, his sigh whispering across her skin.
“Colin, huh?” he finally said, making her snort, which earned her a chuckle in reply. “Guess that’ll stick.”
“Name the alien Quazok or something.”
Laughter. Something she never took for granted anymore. “Quazok?” he asked.
“I don’t know. He just looks like a Colin.”
“Poor Colin the zombie-chow giraffe.”
“He was a head and neck above the rest,” she teased.
“Oooh. That’s horrible. I should beat you for that.”